Segnalazione - Filmati di Bruce and Katharine Cornwell su Vimeo

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Iscritto il: ven mag 20, 2005 9:51 pm
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Segnalazione - Filmati di Bruce and Katharine Cornwell su Vimeo

Messaggio da Gianfranco »

Su Vimeo - - potete trovare 13 animazioni ad alto valore didattico su argomenti matematici.
Ecco la presentazione:
Bruce and Katharine Cornwell produced dozens of highly visual animated educational films between the late 1950s and the late 1970s. They started with traditional paper and cel animation, and moved into using computer animation in its infancy in the late 1960s. Much of the work is lost, but films will be posted here as they are found and prepared.
I film appartengono agli anni 1950-1970, un secolo prima di Geogebra e Cabri.
Pace e bene a tutti.
